Falling into adulthood

The Falling posterI have already talked about my attitude of features that distributors, and PR companies, send out. This is one. I have officially fallen off the wagon and am running one. I haven’t run one in many years. I did run quite a few on the old blog but none on this one apart from a critique of their use. Just click through the next number of pages to see what films have been selected. Do you agree? I think it’s a very good list. There is one on the list that I’m not sure about. That’s more because I don’t know that much about the film compared to the rest on the list.

The film that we’ve been sent this list is coming out on April 24, 2015. It’s called The Falling. A story about strange things happening at a strict English girls school in the late 1960s. You can find out more and watch the trailer if you head over to the last page of this piece.

In the upcoming film The Falling, Lydia (Maisie Williams) finds herself coming of age as a mysterious psychological pandemic breaks out. Lydia becomes the centre of the pandemic as she struggles with difficult relationships and constructing her own identity. After a difficult journey, she arrives at a completely different place from where she began and by the end of the film has developed a profound sense of what a person really is.

As we wait to embark on Lydia’s journey with her, we look back on some of the most memorable coming of age films.