Robert Zemeckis’ Allied

Brad Pitt and Marion Cotillard in AlliedAfter Fury, Brad Pitt is back in uniform.  This time as an assassin that falls in love in Allied.  Nothing out of the ordinary there as it seems to happen all the time if we believe what happens in movies.

The twist on this seems to be that she may, or may not, be a double agent working for the Nazis. Who is lying seems to be the major crutch of the film. Or that what you can get from the below trailer. I maybe wrong but what do you think?

In 1942, during WWII, Max Vatan, a French-Canadian intelligence officer, meets French Resistance fighter Marianne Beausejour, on a deadly mission behind enemy lines. Later reunited in London, their relationship is threatened when it’s believed Marianne is a Nazi spy.

Sneaking into UK cinemas November 25, 2016
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